Only in Portland

Dear Liza,

I am looking forward to seeing things that can only be found in Denmark when I visit you next week! Here are some things that are unique to Portland.

This perfectly repurposed broken cherub statue, now mounted in a tall bush and oddly beautiful, makes me smile on the way to the market.

This skeleton in a tree, who seems to be haunting the bird feeder, is veeeery patient.

This cluttered collection of stickers on a “no pedestrian crossing” sign (where we crossed anyway). The center one says, in French, “This is not a sticker.”

And on the power pole just outside Books with Pictures, these delightful decorations make the world a little “Portlandier”.

I grant you, these bits of Portland weirdness are not historic like your castles or mechanical marvels like your giant wind turbines, but I like them a lot, anyway.

See you soon, sweetie!


Grandma Judy

Author: Judy

I am a new transplant to Portland from Salinas, a small city in Central California. This is a blog about my new city.

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